Praying for Peace



Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd call for prayer

Dear friends,

We are all watching the events unfolding in Ukraine with deep concern. Our hearts are with all those who are suffering. We think particularly of Salvation Army officers, soldiers and employees who are serving in Ukraine and Russia. May God grant them his protection and enable them to continue serving those who need them desperately right now.

We also pray for world leaders that they will look to God for wisdom and exercise discernment as they work to negotiate an end to the conflict. For those seeking war, we pray they will instead “turn swords into ploughshares” (Isaiah 2:4) and pursue peace.

As an international Salvation Army, we continue to uphold the principles of compassion, care and service. Even in these dark moments, we trust in God for comfort and strength.

Peace in our time, Lord, we pray.

Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd
Territorial Leaders



In response to the crisis in Ukraine, The Salvation Army is accepting donations to support humanitarian aid in Europe. Donations will provide immediate and long-term humanitarian aid for displaced people and those impacted by the crisis in Ukraine and bordering countries in central Europe. Emergency food and housing, counselling, transportation and more are provided through our existing Salvation Army locations in Europe.


Donation Information:
At this time, donations for “Humanitarian Aid in Europe” may be made through 1-800-SAL-ARMY or online at

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